Success Story
January 10, 2019

Comment Letsignit a dynamisé le catalogue de services de Scriba ?

Interview de
Technological Partner
Amandine Fernandez
Head of Acquisition
Depuis 33 ans, Scriba accompagne les PME et ETI dans l’implémentation de leur système d’information et la maintenance de leur infrastructure informatique. Depuis 2010, Scriba a accompagné ses clients dans leur transition vers Office 365 et aujourd’hui vers Microsoft 365. Source d’inspiration pour leur transformation digitale, Scriba est attentif à la maturité technologique de ses clients et distille un conseil personnalisé pour coller au mieux à leurs attentes.

Pourquoi le partenariat Letsignit | Scriba ?

Scriba fait partie du programme Cloud Solution Provider (CSP Tier 1) de Microsoft, ce qui lui permet d’intégrer Letsignit dans son offre Office 365, de provisionner et de gérer la relation client de A à Z.

Pour Scriba, la fidélité est la clé d’une relation durable. L’écoute et la pertinence du conseil aussi.

Scriba recherchait des éditeurs permettant de se différencier et d’apporter plus de valeur autour des offres Office 365. La solution Cloud de gestion des signatures mails proposée par Letsignit constituait donc une réponse techniquement fiable et opportune.

Letsignit, au cœur de l’écosystème Microsoft, jouit d’un positionnement privilégié en tant que Microsoft Gold Partner, ce qui vient renforcer l’efficacité commerciale de ce partenariat.

découvrir Letsignit

Quel process pour proposer Letsignit ?

Scriba ajoute systématiquement Letsignit dans toutes ses offres de migration Office 365.
À l’écoute des besoins clients, Scriba propose soit la version STARTER de Letsignit pour harmoniser les signatures mails de l’ensemble des collaborateurs et contrôler l’identité de la marque, soit la version BUSINESS, véritable booster des opérations de communication.

Quelles valeurs pour le partenaire ?

  • Ajouter de la valeur à Office 365

Scriba se différencie de ses concurrents et ajoute de la valeur à l'offre Office 365 en y ajoutant la solution Letsignit. Une brique de plus pour répondre aux besoins de ses clients.

  • Attacher du Service

Scriba ne se concentre pas uniquement sur la vente de licences Letsignit, génératrices de revenus récurrents, mais apporte encore plus de valeur au client en intégrant Letsignit et en gérant toutes les phases : du déploiement de la solution à la création des signatures. L’objectif est d’accompagner le client et de le soulager afin qu’il gagne du temps et puisse se concentrer davantage sur le cœur de son business.

  • Fidéliser

Depuis plusieurs années maintenant, aucun des clients Scriba n’a résilié de licences Letsignit, ce qui pérennise son rôle de « prestataire-conseil » et légitime la solution Letsignit dans son usage au quotidien. La confiance et l’attachement aux solutions préconisées par Scriba servent la fidélisation.

  • Accompagner les clients

Letsignit est à l’écoute de toutes les remontées des clients. Le produit est en constante évolution.

« Les équipes Letsignit sont dévouées, souriantes et trouvent toujours des solutions. Il est donc facile pour nous d’apporter des réponses rapides à nos clients et de les accompagner dans leurs projets. » Sophie Sciberras, Consultante Solutions chez Scriba.

Is it possible to track the number of clicks on email signatures?

Yes, with the 'Campaigns' offer, it is possible to track the number of clicks on the email signatures of all your employees in the 'Statistics' area of the platform.

You can then access a detailed or global view of the number of clicks on the email signatures of each employee. You can use the search option to target a specific signature or a given period. Finally, you have the possibility to export all statistics to an Excel document.

If you launch campaigns with banners inserted in your email signatures, you can also access their performance via this same space.

Can we add links to social networks, our website, and appointment-setting applications such as Calendly?

With Letsignit, you can easily add social network icons in your collaborators' email signatures and link to your company pages. Also, our "attributes" feature allows you to manage personalized URLs for each of your collaborators such as their individual LinkedIn profile.

And that's not all: you can add links to an appointment-setting application, allow your customers to leave reviews easily, and integrate our 'Chat on Teams' widget to let anyone start a discussion via Microsoft Teams chat.

Can employees update their signature information themselves (number, function, etc.)?

It’s up to you! As an administrator of the Letsignit platform, you choose whether or not to grant modification rights to your employees. These permissions are managed on an attribute-by-attribute basis, which means that you can decide to allow the employee to change their phone number, but not the address of your premises, for example.

This feature applies to all attributes in your directory, including custom attributes created on Letsignit. When your employees change one or more attributes, your directory is obviously not affected.

Why it is important to standardize our email signatures on a large scale to ensure our identity and brand image?

It often happens that employees make their email signature their own: custom format, bad fonts, colors inconsistent with the brand standards... all of this has an impact on your brand!

A consistent visual identity is considered authentic and outperforms a perceived weak one by 20%. And, your customers are 2.4 times more likely to buy your products.

With Letsignit, take back control over your brand identity by standardizing all your email signatures. Our tool has many features that allow you to customize your signatures by department, by audience or by subsidiary. Not to mention the possibility of carrying out campaigns within your email signatures thanks to our Campaign offer.

What is the user experience like for our employees?

What is the user experience like for our employees?

  • If you opt for the Letsignit Add-in for Outlook, they will have a dedicated space in their Outlook account where they will be able to view the signatures and campaigns assigned to them.
  • If you opt for the Letsignit Desktop APP, they will be able to preview all their signatures and campaigns in this space. If they want to change their default signature to another one when sending an email, this will be done in their signature library in Outlook.

In both cases:

  • They preview their signature before sending an email and choose from signatures assigned to them.
  • Based on the permissions granted, they will also be able to modify their personal information such as their name, position, or address in these spaces.

In short, they have autonomy in their email signature, but you keep control on the field, signatures, and banners they can edit or use.

Can my employees have multiple signatures available to them?

With our "multi-signature" feature, your employees can benefit from multiple email signatures. No technical manipulation is required. Thanks to our Add-in for Outlook or the desktop app, they can change their email signatures as they wish with just a few clicks.

Regarding the creation of email signatures, you can make several variations such as:

Everything has been thought of to go further in the personalization process based on the recipient of your emails.

Regarding “Green IT,” have you implemented measures to limit the digital footprint of email signatures?

If sending emails has an impact, non-optimized email signatures also have an impact. An unsuitable format or an image that is too heavy considerably increases the size of your signatures... and therefore, your emails.

As a responsible economic actor, we contribute to reducing our CO2 emissions and those of our customers in several ways:

  • Optimization of the weight of signatures and campaigns in emails.
  • Green features: lightening of signatures during response/transfer emails, possibility of not embedding images, implementation of lighter signatures for internal exchanges.
  • Integration of a 'Switch to Teams' widget to encourage your employees to continue their exchanges via chat, rather than email.

As we are increasingly involved in sustainability initiatives, our priority in 2023 is to develop even more green IT functionality.

Regarding “Green IT,” have you implemented measures to limit the digital footprint of email signatures?

If sending emails has an impact, non-optimized email signatures also have an impact. An unsuitable format or an image that is too heavy considerably increases the size of your signatures... and therefore, your emails.

As a responsible economic actor, we contribute to reducing our CO2 emissions and those of our customers in several ways:

  • Optimization of the weight of signatures and campaigns in emails.
  • Green features: lightening of signatures during response/transfer emails, possibility of not embedding images, implementation of lighter signatures for internal exchanges.
  • Integration of a 'Switch to Teams' widget to encourage your employees to continue their exchanges via chat, rather than email.

As we are increasingly involved in sustainability initiatives, our priority in 2023 is to develop even more green IT functionality.


Vous cherchez un outil pour gérer vos signatures mail ?

Créez, gérez et déployez les signatures mail de tous vos collaborateurs en quelques clics grâce à Letsignit.
Décourir Lesignit